Krzysztof Kochanowski:
- Judicial Sales of Vessels and Priority of Claims in Polish Law, Kluwer Law international, Maritime Law Handbook, Part. III, 2001
- Arrest of Vessels in Polish Law, 2001 Kluwer Law International, Maritime Law Handbook, Part. I
- Flag and Registration of Vessels Mortgages, Kluwer Law international, Maritime Law Handbook, Part. III, 2006
- New Convention on Arrest of Ships 1999, Prawo Morskie, Wydawnictwo PAN, Tom XIX
- Demurrage and detention applied to container trade in Poland, Prawo Morskie, Wydawnictwo PAN, Tom XX
- 2004 revision of Polish Civil Procedure Code and its influence on shipowner’s position in Polish legal system, Monitor Prawniczy no 24, 2006
- Enforcement of foreign courts judgments in Poland, Rzeczpospolita, 30.10.2009
- Ship arrest, Wydawnictwo UG, 2010
- Ship arrest and enforcement of a judgment against the ship; remarks de lege ferenda, Prawo Morskie, Wydawnictwo PAN, Tom XXV
- Commentary to Polish Maritime Code, Title VI Contracts, Section I Carriage of goods, Wolters Kluwert 2012.
- Register of ships under construction, Prawo Morskie, Wydawnictwo PAN, Tom XXX Master of Law (LM) degree from Gdansk University